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Worlaby Parish Council
The official website for the Parish Council
An online destination for news and information about all aspects of village life.
Residents are always welcome at Parish Council meetings, which will be advertised on this website and on the notice board.
The Council
Parish Notices
Worlaby Village
Worlaby Village
Worlaby is a village in the beautiful western Wolds of North Lincolnshire. The Parish Council maintains this website to allow citizens greater visibility of, and opportunity to get involved in, the many projects affecting the village. Please contact the Clerk if you require information adding to the website.
About the village – Worlabys’ name is defined as ‘Wulfric’s farmstead or village’. Since 1086 when it was known as Uluricebi or Vluricebi in the Doomsday Book it has also been spelt as Wulfrikeby, Wolrickby and Werliby.
The place – Worlaby is a small village located on the western edge of the Wolds near Brigg. The parish church of St Clement was rebuilt in the 1870s by W Scott Champion but its tower dates to the eleventh century. There are also two chapels; the Wesleyn dates from 1858 and the Primitive Methodist from before 1856.
Close to the church is an almshouse known as Worlaby Hospital. Built in 1663 by Lord Belasyse as, it is thought, a thanks offering for his life being spared during the Civil war when as a Royalist he was imprisoned in the Tower.
Legend has it that there was once a teetotal squire of Worlaby that would not allow an inn in the village. Farmworkers were not to be stopped though from the occasional tipple, and brewed their own beer. They stored it in a well and when they wanted a drink they just went down the well.
Information taken from North Lincolnshire Council’s Local History.
Parish Notices
Foster Caring
Could you open your heart and your home and make someone feel safe, loved and confident about the world around them?
Public Rights of Way
Have you used Carr Lane, Worlaby to go down to the river? Please complete the evidence form below and send it to the Parish Clerk.
Call Blockers Information
What is a call blocker and how to apply for a free unit.
Call Blockers Project 1
National Trading Standards
Scams Team
Call Blocker Project March 2020
Community Emergency Plan
This plan is written to ensure our community is prepared to respond to future events regardless of cause.
Emergency Contact Details
External contact details – North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire area.
Alzheimer’s Volunteers needed
Side by Side North Lincolnshie.
Don’t just change someone’s life. Change yours too.

The Council
The Council usually meet on the second Tuesday of the month commencing at 7.00 p.m. in Worlaby Village Hall…
Policies and documents published by the Parish Council are available here…